
Welcome to HorrorFlix Reviews!

This blog is dedicated to the movies on Netflix found in the horror and/or thriller sections. As a current college student I often find myself watching many movies on Netflix, and sometimes it can be difficult to find a good movie. This struggle is often amplified in the sections that contain horror/thriller genres. There are plenty of worthwhile movies to see in these genres, but there are also just as many terrible films as well. Over the last couple years, I have watched countless movies all throughout Netflix, both amazing and terrible. My hope is that this blog can possibly help guide someone through the fog, and help them find exactly what they are looking for.

Sometimes all you want is a good scary movie to scare yourself, or to use for a Friday night spent in with a friend/date. If you’re like me, you may sometimes be in the mood for a scary movie that is “terrible.” Now some movies are actually very bad and no fun to watch, but others are the kind of bad that you can enjoy, laugh at, and just remember because it was so outrageous (looking at you Sharknado Saga). Whatever you may be looking for, I hope that these reviews can help you navigate the waters of Netflix Horror in a much smoother, and time effective way.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy the blog! Please comment as much as you like, and even suggest movies that I can review next.

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